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ABOUT MONKEYPALETTE Children's Character Cards

몽키 빠렛트 2021. 2. 16. 01:17
Monkey Palette flashcard that makes your child smarter and more creative by hiding it.



Monkey Palette flashcard that makes your child smarter and more creative by hiding it.


Pleasant English studying using the hiding method, which makes your child smarter.

MONKEYPALETTE Character Word Card is a product that uses language as a tool to improve creativity.

Instead of the simple and boring method to memorize words, it allows children to have fun, and naturally become acquainted with the language and develop their creativity. 

Hide the words in the children's characters on the mission card and send them to QR code.

This is made with the MONKEYPALETTE Genius Game and children around the world can try to solve the problems that your child makes. Sharing quizzes together and solving them can help children develop more self-esteem.

Share lovely creations, which children make, such as whimsical characters, ugly characters, cute characters, and more.


Q. Which children should use it?


A. 5~9-year-old children

* This is not just a tool for learning English, so we recommend it for the following children. *

Children who are starting to become interested in English, children who are tired of simple memorization of English, children with a lot of imagination, children who like drawing, children who do not have good concentration, and children who like quizzes



Q. Is there anything different from other word cards?


A. General cards are simple memorization type with an image on the front and a meaning of the word on the back. Forcing children to memorize unconditionally can cause stress and reduce learning efficiency. The special card has all the word elements hidden in the character, so the child reacts actively with more curiosity. This is an active character card designed to increase the child's learning effect and allow children to think creatively by combining the child's desire to find something with fun.


Q. What do I get by purchasing the special card?


“If children learn differently, children grow differently.” Through various playing functions in the cards, children can have confidence and self-esteem that they can do something other than learning. “I’m not good at finding words, but I’m good at coloring!” “I am not good at drawing, but I hide the words well!” “I am not good at memorizing, but I am confident in making problems!”, children have the opportunity to rethink their values beyond simple memorization and grow emotionally and academically.


Q. What age of children can use this special card?


A. Six to nine-year-old children can use all the functions of this card.

If you are using a card for simple visual purposes, like a normal card that can be used for 3-year- old children, infants can also use it.



* This is not just a tool for learning English, so we recommend it for the following children. *



1. Card face, 1st stage: curiosity occurs by searching for hidden words in the character.

2. Card back, 2nd stage of emotional stability and concentration where children find and color the missing alphabet in the character.

3.Transparent card, 3rd stage of drawing on a transparent plate, in which even children without confidence in drawing can have confidence.

4. Creative Challenge Card, 4th stage of cultivating creativity to hide mission words in the imaginary character.

5. 5th stage in which self-esteem explodes through communication by presenting his/her creative quiz to other friends.




